Baptisms and weddings

The church office for baptism enquiries is closed in August and will re-open on Friday 6th September. For any urgent enquiries, please email
If you’re looking to arrange a baptism at St Paul’s or Whitworth Church, or would like to discuss them further, then please call in at St Paul’s Church on a Friday morning between 10.30-11.30am. The office staff will be more than happy to answer any questions or arrange a baptism for you.
For wedding enquiries, please call the vicar on 01388 327603 or email our team at
Baptisms take place on the second and fourth Sundays of the month at 2.30 and 3.30pm.
- Preparation – you are invited, together with the godparents to meet with our preparation team to talk through what baptism means to your family and to go through the service. We also welcome into the Church family all those who are to be baptised on the first Sunday of the month at the 10.30am service.
- Godparents – during the service you will all make promises for the child. It is important that you have all been baptised and that the Godparents fully understand their responsibilities. During the service you are declaring that you will bring up the child in the Christian faith. If you feel you are not able to make the promises, then we can talk to you about an alternative service of thanksgiving for your child. This is a very personal and individual service.
- Cost – there is no charge for a Baptism. There will be a collection plate at the back of church when you leave and if you would to make a donation towards the upkeep of the Church then you are more than welcome.
- If either the bride or groom lives in the parish then marrying at St Paul’s should be fairly straightforward.
- If you don’t live in the parish, it is now much easier to marry at St Paul’s if you have a Qualifying Connection. Please contact us as soon as possible so we can discuss this.
- You can also marry at St Paul’s if you become a member of the church and enrol on the electoral (membership) roll even if you don’t live in the parish.
- If you have been previously married and divorced, it might still be possible to marry in church. Please contact us as soon as possible.
- At St Paul’s we have an excellent team of flower arrangers who can provide the floral displays for your special day – and at a fraction of the cost of mainstream florists!
- Directly opposite the Church is the St Paul’s Centre where we can offer you a complete package for your wedding with a reception. Catering is provided by The Whistling Teapot and a disco is available from Damascus Road Technical Services. For more information visit
- The website from the Church of England is an excellent resource for planning your special day. You can browse readings, listen to excerpts of hymns and read other useful and practical advice.